Getting Closer

So, I have been coding every spare minute although the weather is beautiful so I took some time off yesterday afternoon and this afternoon. But I’m back at it because I feel like I am so close but I need to step back a minute and consider my issues:

I decided to call the project “noter” and have created a main index page here. A user can add an author, a keyword or a resource (for right now books only). And the resource entry form has a pull-down menu for type and checkboxes for authors and keywords. Because I want to design separate entry forms for each type of resource, I started with a page for books. (I spent some time with RefWorks and have a general idea of what fields go with each type. I’ve already got the types from RefWorks in the database and will eventually add the other fields as well.) The type ID works (although it took me awhile to get it to recognize that I had chosen a type).

Here are my two major problems right now:

1. The code that links the resource id with the keyword id is writing correctly to the keywordlkup_r table so that resources are associated with keywords in a many to many relationship. However, when I use the resource search page and search on the keyword, I see ALL the titles in the database.

2. The code that links the resource id with the author id in the authorlkup table is not writing correctly to the table so resources are not being linked with authors. Thus, when I use the resource search page and search on author, I see nothing.

3. The text search doesn’t work either.

I’m a little stumped right now. Somehow, the search isn’t looking the right place it would seem in problem #1. for problem #2 I think it’s an issue of having two chunks of code back to back. The join for the keyword/resource is first so it gets executed but the second one doesn’t. The page does indicate that the resource was added to 0 authors so it recognizes that it isn’t working. Hmmm…And, I suspect when I solve #1, I will also solve #3 and that would be the break through because it would mean that the relations were working.

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