Book Store Tourism

I went to a conference in Baltimore earlier this week and managed to find an hour to visit a used bookstore.  I believe it is a moral duty of all bibliophiles to support home grown store.  There’s usually at least one within walking distance of my hotel, and Baltimore was no exception.  The Book Escape was housed in two buildings which were connected by a walkway through a lovely little brick courtyard.

The thought of all that shelf space at home emboldened me, along with the very reasonable prices, and I bought ten books!  You can see the list at LibraryThing. I am sorry I didn’t get a picture but the weather was dreary, and I struggled with my bags and umbrella through an early spring downpour.

I decided to start with McPherson’s Battle Cry of Freedom.  It is, after all, the beginning of the 150th anniversary of the war. Here’s Ken Burns’ version:

The Civil War

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