Reading Update: April 18, 2010

I took some time to update my reading list on LibraryThing and discovered that I’ve reached 25 books.  One third of my goal!  I finished The Age of Chivalry, a National Geographic book from 1969.  I’ve got a volume about the Renaissance that I dug out of the linen closet.  But first there are books to finish: the essays about the Civil War and Bound for Glory.  I have an early reviewer book, too, and it’s on my tablet PC as a pdf file.  Books everywhere…analog and virtual! I’ve abandoned Jimmy Carter for now.

I’ve been so busy reading analog books that I haven’t turned on my Kindle for awhile and when I tried today, the battery was dead.  Out of sight, out of mind.  The analog books are much more visible!  And my goal was to work through the pile in the bedroom.

I started a new audio book as I gardened and walked today.  Blood in the Cotswold is part of Rebecca Tope’s British mystery series.   I would highly recommend the Alan Bradley books in audio: The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie and The Weed That Strings the Hangman’s Bag.  Great narrator, wonderful prose, written somewhat tongue in cheek.  I looked forward to a couple long drives to I could listen to big chunks of them.

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