Spinning, Spinning, My Head is Spinning

I just couldn’t let this one go without comment.  In this clip, John McCain basically blames his running mate’s statements about Pakistan on journalists!  And the question wasn’t even asked by a journalist.  Instead, it was a voter, shouting the question to her as she walked.  It was noisy, she just spouted off the first thing that came into her head, etc. etc. etc.  This is CRAZY!  At the end of the clip, McCain reveals exactly why he named her: she got everybody excited.  This isn’t about who would be the best candidate; it’s about giving Republicans, especially the evangelical base, a reason to go vote for the whole ticket.  Who cares that she doesn’t have a clue?

An Insult to Women

John McCain has picked Sarah Palin, first-term governor of Alaska, as his running mate.  The media is wondering aloud if it is a brilliant move or a questionable decision.  I definitely come down on the latter side.  After spending months attacking Obama for his lack of experience, McCain has picked a woman who actually had to mention her tenure on the PTA in order to bulk up her resume during her acceptance speech!

Mostly, I’m annoyed because this is basically an insult to women, especially a slap in the face to Republican women.  McCain, I suppose, was hoping to appeal to all those disaffected Hillary supporters out there.  Really?  And the way to do that was to pick a relative unknown with no experience who most suggest is going to be eaten alive in a debate with Joe Biden?  Doesn’t the Republican party have a woman who is equivalent to Hillary?  Someone with national experience?  A few names come to my mind–Kay Bailey Hutchinson, for one, who is now in the position of defending this choice.  Or Condoleeza Rice?  Maybe McCain was simply initimidated by these women?

I saw some Republican woman on CNN get frustrated with James Carville when he questioned the choice.  This is so typical, she said, that men brush aside women.  Sorry, lady, not buying it.  We would have been thrilled if McCain had actually chosen a woman with a chance.  I’m sure Sarah Palin is smart and has lots of future potential but as vice presidential candidate so is a poor choice.