Still Trying

I’m still working…now I’ve learned about creating custom fields and created a field called “technorati.” Bunnys tag plugin created a field called tags.

Too Much Free Time

I suppose I should be working on the two upcoming week-long workshops I’m doing, but they seem far away and already pretty well planned. Instead, I’ve been playing around with this blog…learning more about tags and technorati. This article from A Consuming Experience was a good place to start.

I added technorati tags to Virginia’s Community of Learning with very little trouble. It is hosted at blogspot so I was able to install Greasemonkey and then a “user script” that added tag fields to my blogger posts. This is all new to me but very exciting. In the process of learning about user scripts, I found one that will read a webpage. Unfortunately, it’s only for XP so I couldn’t immediately try it out. I’ve got a laptop from WM, though, and will try it out soon. I’ll incorporate it into my AT class this fall.

Flushed with success, I turned to my WordPress blog. I was particularly taken by Ben O’Neill’s plugin because I like those grids where the tags are larger or smaller depending on usage. I thought I followed all the directions but could never get it to work. I did get to the point where I was getting an “implode” error message that means–according to Ben–I just don’t have any tags yet. I thought I added tags but am not sure I used the correct form.

So, I’m back at it this morning and just installed Bunnys TechnoratiTags plugin. So far, so good…the text box has appeared where I can enter my tags. I’m going to do that. Then turn on Ben’s plugin and add the code.

When Blogging Goes Bad

Interesting article by Steven Krause about his experience trying to use a blog for collaborative writing. It’s a helpful tale in which he makes several important points for teachers, not the least of which is that success often lies in the way we frame the assignment and the amount of support we offer students. But, he also shared a valuable lesson about blogging and the adoption of new technologies in general. His attempt to use blogs to facilitate discussion in a writing course was a failure in his eyes because, as he finally comes to realize, blogs are really meant for personal publication rather than team writing. But is that a failure of blogs? Rather, he picked the wrong tool and was smart enough to recognize it. I think that’s the real danger of technology: when you’ve got a hammer, everything looks like a nail, and we need to remember, as Kraus eventually does, that one of the benefits of technology is that it offers lots of different kinds of hammers. It’s up to us to define the nail and then find the correct hammer. Continue reading

Gladlye Play

Went with friends to hear Gladlye Play at the Twin Brook Winery near Coatesville, PA. Excellent selection of mostly Irish, Scottish and English music played on a range of instruments including guitar, violin, and hammered dulcimer along with Irish whistles and bodhrans.

Future Blogs

Just back from seven days on the road…the first half of last week was spent at NECC and then I headed to Coatesville, PA, to visit an old teaching buddy. Got in four games of Trivial Pursuit, including a three-hour marathon against two other friends. Just grueling but fun, and we ended up as winners even though, like the first game, we lost a substantial lead and came close to losing. (We DID lose the first game.)

I have lots of things I want to write about so for tonight I’m just going to make the list:

  • my Treo
  • Taking the train
  • Books
  • Napolean Dynamite
  • Gladye Play with Strings
  • Philadelphia
  • NECC

I think that’s long enough. Maybe I’ll get started tomorrow. Plus, I want to do a better job tagging this blog and start including technorati tags.

Playing With Widgets

I installed Tiger right before leaving for NECC so haven’t really had a chance to play with it. Stopped by the Apple booth for a quick primer and only got as far as the Spotlight (the blue icon in the upper right hand corner) and the Dashboard. Right now, I’m using the WordPress widget to make this post. I also downloaded several other widgets including DashPoetry, minipatience, and Wikipedia. Very fun!

Shenandoah National Park

We camped at Loft Mountain at milepost 79 along the Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park this past weekend. We have not been for a long time…we camped there the first night of our Lewis and Clark trip but that was 1997 or so. The campsites were nice and secluded although it was an uphill trek to car and bathroom. Good exercise especially since all the food had to be stored in the car when not in use because of the bear problem. The wildflowers were in bloom: smiling ox-eye daisies with yellow centers, long plumes of goat’s beard waving from the hillsides, and wild blackberries covered by white blossoms that promise tasty fruit later. There was bladder campion, showy skullcap, and white waterleaf with its fringed blossoms hanging below the foliage in small clusters. But it was the mountain laurel (mixed with some wild rhododendron) that was most beautiful, covering hillsides and peeking from tree lines, the white and pink blossoms catching the sun.

As we drove south on Sunday morning, we saw a peacock on the side of the road. He let us back up the car, roll down the window, and take several pictures. We also saw white tailed deer, an adorable chipmunk stuffing its mouth with pieces of dog food, and lots of little brown birds.

Peacock in Shenandoah


After a day of working and packing to go camping, we ran out to Ivy Run for a few hours at sunset. We were well rewarded: Bob caught three beautiful bass right in a row and the bull frogs entertained us the whole time with their long low chorus. There were more than I ever remember. As we walked down the dock, one skittered across the top of the water like a skipping stone then dove. By the time we left, however, they had moved back and we could see at least 7 heads above the water, the ripple moving outward with each croak. A love triangle developed amongst a group close to the dock and included what appeared to be a frog fight between the two males, water splashing as the female looked on. It was over very quickly and they retreated a few feet apart with the female still watching. They were still there when the mosquitoes finally drove us away. A wonderful, relaxing way to end the day.

Different Lives

Summer has arrived in Tidewater so we left home early this morning and were working on the boat by 8 AM. That way, when the sun was overhead at noon and there wasn’t any shade left on either side of the boat, we could go home. We weren’t the first people there. The same couple–retirees I think–were there that had been there on Sunday, working on Coconuts, a lovely sailboat. Are they getting ready for their dream sail? And the same waterman from Sunday was there working on his workboat, and it was obvious from how far he had gotten that he had been there Monday and Tuesday as well. Continue reading