Friday Finds

I added a few new book blogs to my aggregator including Should Be Reading.  I like the way the MizB has weekly topics including Musing Mondays and Teaser Tuesdays along with a few others.  Fridays are dedicated to “finds”: books you’ve heard about or discovered during the week.

I wandered into my Books A Million on Wednesday mostly to get a latte but walked out with Alison Weir’s latest about Anne Boleyn, The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn and the new Jasper Fford, Shades of Grey. Looking forward to reading both of them.

But, considering I have only gotten 60 pages into Girl Mary over the course of the past week, and I just got the email with the link to the nearly 100 lesson plans I’m analyzing for a research study, I’m not sure when that will be.  The semester has begun in full force and free reading time is getting a little less available.