Monday Morning Musings

No title yet this morning.  The title for my morning pages was always the date and time.  It’s March 3, 2008, at 7:39 AM.  I did the usual routine with the dogs but haven’t let the chickens out yet.  That’s next on the list.  I am playing recorders this morning then have the rest of the day at home to get organized for the week.  Here’s the topic list of to dos:

  • Taxes (Mostly data entry into Turbo Tax so I can put the paper work away. We always get an extension and it takes my husband a little prodding to get his numbers together.)
  • Dissertation draft and human subjects (This is due Thursday.)
  • Digital storytelling workshops (These begin next week.)
  • Leftovers for a client (I have additional work to do for this client but probably not until the end of the week or over the following two weeks when I’m stuck in a hotel room for five or six nights!)

So, nothing too bad, although I did wake up in the middle of the night and worry that this week wouldn’t be enough time.  Get over it…the dissertation is the main thing and I’ll work on that this afternoon.  And the workshops should just take a day or two to practice with the software and get some resources together. So, just relax, Karen, enjoy playing some music this morning, then settle in and get some work done.

The weather is supposed to be nice so I wouldn’t mind getting to the property this week.  Again, I have plenty of time so actually pretend you know how to be on vacation and have some fun.  I put the pile of books I bought in a basket and am going to read through it.  I could get in an hour or two of reading at night.  We were both tired after a long day of gardening.  I raked a flower bed and did some planning.  Dusted our bedroom and finished up the laundry.  We went to bed around 9 PM.  That’s just too early for me.  Because then I was wide awake at 2 AM and still sort of mulling over the world at 3 AM when Bob invited me back to bed.  At the conference last week, I stayed up until midnight and slept great.  So, I’ll try it tonight.

And, I’m back on the weight watchers wagon today.  I did OK over the weekend: just one incident with milk and oreo cookies.  I had been avoiding them but once I get off track, anything goes, it seems.  I am just sort of embarrassed that I can’t seem to be disciplined enough to control my eating.  Yesterday, when I really wanted cheese and bread, I chose an apple instead.  Can it be that simple?  Making different kinds of choices?  I wish it were and I’m going to try to see it as that.

So, I added a title and am ready to publish this.  Then, in the hour I’ve got, I’m going to look at my dissertation to see how much has to be done.  But, first, I need to let the chicken out of the coop for the day.  And, it looks like there’s a small bird trapped in the netting.  One of the chicken–Trudi–has discovered that she can get out of the yard.  We retrieved her several times yesterday.  It’s interesting that the others don’t seem interested in following her.  She and Tina Turner are my two escape artists.

Blessings for the day.

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