Easter Sunday 2008

And I’m not going to church.  Instead, I’m up early watching the sun rise.  As I walked with the dogs earlier, we stood a moment and looked at the almost full moon in the west, clear and bright in the sky.  I feel like I sometimes carry “church” with me, a sense of awe and gratitude for a life I did not create and that I cannot always control.  I send my wishes and dreams out to the universe, which often answers in surprising and wonderful ways.  I require little to make me happy: hot coffee after a cold morning walk, beautiful music to help the sun crest the pine trees  (this morning it’s Nick Drake who just popped out at me as I scanned iTunes), love of family and friends.  I see the poetry around me, and long to find the perfect metaphor, one that takes the breath away, one that captures the essence of what lives in y heart.  But, I am no poet and must be contented with these fragile words.

Happy Easter!

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