Easter Sunday 2008

And I’m not going to church.  Instead, I’m up early watching the sun rise.  As I walked with the dogs earlier, we stood a moment and looked at the almost full moon in the west, clear and bright in the sky.  I feel like I sometimes carry “church” with me, a sense of awe and gratitude for a life I did not create and that I cannot always control.  I send my wishes and dreams out to the universe, which often answers in surprising and wonderful ways.  I require little to make me happy: hot coffee after a cold morning walk, beautiful music to help the sun crest the pine trees  (this morning it’s Nick Drake who just popped out at me as I scanned iTunes), love of family and friends.  I see the poetry around me, and long to find the perfect metaphor, one that takes the breath away, one that captures the essence of what lives in y heart.  But, I am no poet and must be contented with these fragile words.

Happy Easter!

On Vacation

My defense is over, and it went fine.  A few suggestions and some literature to examine, but I’m ready to start my research.  Step one is the human subject paperwork.  But, I’m giving myself a day or two off before tackling that.  Next week is spring break for WM so I’ll have plenty of time.

Last night, I boxed up the last of the winter decorations and they are now waiting in the hall to go up to the attic.  Now the dust really shows!  But my guests aren’t coming until Friday so I may wait until Thursday to dust.  There’s plenty of other work to do around the house, including piles of laundry.  And, of course, taxes.  I’m going to install Turbotax and dive in.  Everything is mostly organized so it’s generally data entry for now.

Part of the reason I stopped the morning pages was that they became all about my weight and my pathetic attempts at dieting.  But, at least when I wrote about it, I thought about it.  The past two days have been very bad in the food department…cheese, chocolate, wine.  So, it’s March 1 and I’m back on the wagon.  I figured out my online weight watchers login and will start using it again.  I started before VSTE but then had to give it up during the conference.

Bob rearranged the bird feeders and now the squirrels can get on the sunflower feeder.  He is hanging by his back feet and eating away.  Yesterday, I scared him and he landed in the pond.  For now, I’m letting him eat but in a minute I’ll open the window.  I’ve got the video camera set up and I washed the window so I can get some video of the different birds arriving to eat Bob’s  peanut butter suet.

Here’s the best news: with the exception of a meeting next Thursday, I am home and on vacation!  I’m going to digitize record albums, watch The West Wing reruns, and just enjoy being home.

Snow Day

So it only snowed briefly where I live, but where I was supposed to go, it snowed a lot and there was a threat of ice. Last night, at 10 PM, we called it off. I probably could have made it but a colleague was coming from Baltimore. The perils of being a traveling show. Anyway, now I’m sitting at my computer, looking out at a dreary morning, trying to decide what to do. There’s a pile of waiting projects, of course, but I hadn’t planned the time so it’s much harder for me to get started. Church work? Writing? Blogging? Yoga? Oh dear…all over the map. Well, technically, I am blogging right now…but I meant writing something for my professional blog rather than just tinkering with this one.

So, here’s the problem: no live frog today. I live by that old saying: “If the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long!” But, I handed in my rough draft of a case, I reserved Sunday for working on my dissertation, and the church work can wait.  Hmm…I think I’m going to go for reading Education Week and doing some professional blogging.

Carpe Diem!